Here I am, closing in on the end of October. I'm approaching my three year mark when I started to learn to knit. During my first year, I taught myself the knit and purl stitch and knitted many scarves. Then I attempted my first hand knitted garment, a long sleeve two tone sweater. I knew I could do this on my own as I've had garment sewing experience and knew what the garment pieces should look like. My sweater looked pretty good as long as you didn't look too closely. I made a lot of "knitting newbie" mistakes. From there and in the last two years, I've moved onto more elaborate garments and accessories I would not have imagined knitting on my own.
What did I use to teach myself knitting? Books, magazines, and the Internet were my resources for tackling new knitting skills and inspiration. I've come to realize I'm a self starter. I'm always in the mood to challenge myself. To learn something.
I've been
Here's an example of what made me stop and reassess my knitting skills. I've been working on "My Favorite Cardigan" and knitting right along. Instead of knitting the sleeves, I decided to start working on the front button and buttonhole bands. I was appalled to see what I had done:
I'm not a perfectionist. (That word is not allowed in my knitting vocabulary). When I see something like this at an RTW (ready to wear) store, it gives me the willies. I immediately took a picture of my bad knitting to document "my what not to do next time" and then proceeded to frog my button band.
I've come to realize it's time to take a class. While books, magazines, and the Internet can help a knitter like me, there are times when I just need to fine tune my techniques by learning from a master. Someone with many years of knitting experience who could help me take my knitting to the next level.
My Favorite Cardigan has been sitting in my knitting bag for the last two weeks, waiting to be brought back to life. I will be back to post the results of what I learned in class. Stay tuned!