Saturday, May 9, 2009

Trying Something New

I mentioned a few posts back, that Sabine started working on her lace scarf and is making progress. I saw the pattern in the lastest Vogue Knitting magazine (Spring/Summer 09). It's project #30, appropriately called Lace Scarf. The pattern and chart looked simple to follow. I thought that would be a wonderful first lace project for me.

Since I was the first one up this morning (and I can't run my sewing machine), I thought I would get started. Here's the results:

The beginnings of my lace scarf

The yarn I'm using is Premier Yarns-Coral in beige. I'm using a #4 needle. I'm using this non-lace yarn so I can see the stitches and learn how to read the chart and knit. So far, so good. I'm finding that this lace project is knitting fast.

(Note: I've added some pictures of my DIY swift and ball winder to my previous post)

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