Wednesday, August 12, 2009

I'm Back!

DH and I had a fantastic time in Chicago. We learned a lot about leadership at the conference we attended. We did get a chance to head downtown for a few hours. A wonderful way to end our trip of the city.

I did managed to get an hour or two of knitting. Other than that, we were pretty much on the go from morning til night.

I've completed the front left piece of my lace panel cardigan. Here's a close up of the stitch pattern and the armhole area.

You can actually start to see a totem pole pattern in the lace. I have bound off the shoulder, but left 4 stitches on waste yarn. When I'm finished seaming, the 4 stitches will be used to continue an edging towards the back neckline. The armhole area looks a bit long because of the lace knitting and being close to loose knitting. I will have to deal with that issue when I seam the sleeves into the armholes. I have a trick or two up my sleeves (pardon the pun) that should resolve this issue.

August is turning out to be a busy month for me. I'm in the midst of getting a local knitting group launched, officially. I've been busy creating a schedule, preparing class topics, brainstorming project ideas, and finally, starting another blog for this group. Yes, this will be the 5th blog I've started. :)

This year has been an exciting time for me. Yes, there has been a few setbacks, but I've managed to overcome and move on. Just like my what my Yarn Personality test has confirmed..."I want to experience everything that life has to offer". Of course, it helps that I'm "delightfully driven".

Happy Knitting!


Rachel said...

I'm glad you had a good time. Your cardigan is looking fantastic!!

Trina said...

This is looking lovely, that stitch pattern is great - is it cables, or something else parading as cables??

It must be a good kind of stress getting a knitting group started! We're having a mini knitting/craft gathering this weekend, but its just a one-off.